September 13, 2024

Why Online Medical Stores Are Best For Shopping Medicines

  • November 4, 2015
  • 5 min read
Why Online Medical Stores Are Best For Shopping Medicines

One of the recent trends in sales within India has been the online shopping of medicines from suppliers such as Big Chemist. The reason behind this is quite simple, these online stores simply present themselves as a more convenient, affordable and best of all accessible option to the growing technologically oriented population of India who has slowly but surely started shifting demand away from physical stores to online mediums.

Why Online Medical Stores?

As India’s economy has continued to grow in strength over the past decade, so to has the sophistication of its population when it comes to their purchasing decision. Buyers within India are not limited to subsistence living; rather, with India’s growing middle class comes with it an increase in the demand of luxury goods, western products and more convenient methods of acquiring items and services. Nerd Wallet states that It is in this growth environment that online medical stores have appeared as a new means by which people within the country can purchase their medicine in a quick and convenient method.

The success of online medical stores as being one of the best places to shop for medicine is connected to the growing number of Indians that have access to credit cards as well as those who choose to do their shopping online. Not only that, you need to take into consideration the fact that with sophisticated purchasing behavior comes the desire for convenience and comfort. This is what online stores represent to this new class of consumers within the country since for them, convenience is the ultimate form of luxury.

online shops


Aside from accessibility, Pharmacy Checker Blog states that affordability should also be taken into consideration. With the lack of a physical store along with the added costs normally associated with maintaining a pharmacy such as employees, electricity, property expenses, etc. Online medical stores are able to operate at a far lower budget and, as such, this enables them to sell their products at a lower price range. When examining the prices of many of today’s medicines at your local pharmacy, any reduction in price is often greatly appreciated by customers. In fact, when examining various online medicine stores in India, it can be seen that many of them sell medicine at 15 to 20 percent lower prices as compared to their physical store counterparts. This is a significant price reduction and, as such, shows the considerable advantage that customers can get from purchasing from an online store. 

Do note, though, that this reduction in price does not apply to all medicines; a select few have roughly the same price, so do your research before committing to online purchasing only.


One of the most annoying things that can occur when it comes to buying medicine is going to a store and finding out that they don’t have the type of medicine that you are looking for. The end result is is that you have to go to another store and maybe even a third one after that just to find the medicine that was prescribed to you. This can be an incredibly frustrating experience since you are wasting time, money and effort that could have been spent on other endeavors.

This is why shopping online for medication in India has gained a considerable following as more people turn towards the use of online pharmacies as a better way to see if they have the type of medicine you want or not. If a particular online store doesn’t have the medicine that you wanted to buy, you simply go to another one that would have it. The next website is merely a few clicks away as compared to pharmacies that can be quite far from each other to avoid direct competition.


Another advantage of online pharmacies stated by Consumer Reports is that they also tend to have a far larger selection of different types of medication as compared to their physical counterparts. This is in part due to the fact that most of their inventory is located within a large warehouse complex and is not limited to the confines of a storefront property. This enables them to store more medicine which makes them an ideal first choice when it comes to looking for medicine that some pharmacies often run out of.


While it is true that accessing an online pharmacy is limited to people that have internet connections, the fact remains that access to the internet has grown significantly within India over the past decade. This has resulted in more people than ever having a computer as well as possessing a credit card to conduct financial transactions.

Buying medicine online is easy, convenient and affordable and it is likely that within the next few years it will enter into mainstream acceptability in India as more people realize its benefits.


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