A Review Of “Crohn’s Disease Basics – EverydayHealth.com”

“Everydayhealth.com – Today’s the day” is an online resource for those who have keen interest in understanding various disease and conditions along with healthy living and well being.
EverydayHealth is eqipped with:
- Information on common disease conditions
- Drug Information
- Smart Symptom Checker
- Interactive online community of health keen individuals
- Online Fitness and Health Tool
About “Crohn’s Disease Basics- Everydayhealth.com “
The “Crohn’s Disease Basics” section of this website focuses on providing adequate information on curative, disease preventive and health promotive aspects of a common condition of the west i.e. Crohn’s Disease, also called Regional Ilietis.
- Basics of Crohn’s Disease,Treatment and Management
- Crohn’s Disease Caregiving, Symptoms, Causes and Complications
- Diagnosing Crohn’s Disease
- FAQs about Crohn’s Disease
- Several other articles about the Crohn’s Disease
- Regularly updated blog that covers medical and non-medical aspects of Crohn’s Disease
- Plenty of Videos related to the disease
- It includes a section called “Ask a Doctor” Crohn’s disease expert Dr. Bret Lashner (the director of the Center for Inflammatory Bowel Disease at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation) answers your questions and queries about the disease.
- In the “Ask a Pharmacist” section, one can ask a question directly to the pharmacist online and recieve the answer for free to clear confusions and queries regarding medication and treatment of the disease.
- Besides these, the website also features Crohn’s Disease Webcast which enables you to listen about several topics online.
- Design: The color combination is soothing to eyes. The website is easy to browse and well managed.
- Loading Speed: Fairly Quick
- Complies with the HON Code standard for trustworthy
- Offers you certified specialist to consult about health problems
- Provides wide range of health related tools and calculators
- Free Membership
- The registration process for free membership is a time consuming due to multiple questions.
- EverydayHealth is a website that provides ample and trustworthy health information, consultation about thedisease conditions, wide range of health tools for absolutely free of price. The design is very easy on eyes and the content contained is simple to understand rendering itself helpful for people both in medical field and non-medical field.
- Average rating: 4 out of 5