April 29, 2024

How to recognize an original Littmann Stethoscope

  • April 20, 2014
  • 3 min read
How to recognize an original Littmann Stethoscope

Littmann Stethoscope is a choice of most doctors. Available in various types and colors, it is a glory on a Physicians neck. Since the stethoscope is very popular and expensive among the medical professionals, there have been lot of issues on duplicates and high-copy Littmann stethoscopes that have been fraudulently sold to the customers.

Littmann original vs fake

When buying a stethoscope, we always want to confirm its an original one as the seller may not tell you the fact. Profit oriented business often misleads us into a duplicate piece.

Could This be One Reason to Own a Good Stethoscope? Why to buy a good stethoscope?

littmann why


1. Price-

If the stethoscope is under-priced for what it should cost and if you are getting an enormous amount of discount, it’s probably a fake one. A Littmann sethoscope price can be found in the official site and generally costs you around 80-100 dollars, some variants are cheaper and there are expensive variants specially cardio II etc. Try to have an estimate of what it costs before buying.


Also see where you are buying the stetho. If you are buying on a branded zone probably they are less likely to cheat. They’ll maintain a reputation. But this is not the definite criteria. If you are buying from a Littmann officical distributor, its a confirm original one.

3.The Cover or Box-

The cover of original littmann is extremely well finished. There might be a seal. Inside is a good shaped proection for your stethoscope with extra ear pieces and manuals. If anything feels like a bit gross, probably it might not be original.


4. Ear Pieces-

Littmann has soft and recoiling ear piece that provide excellent comfort and fit to the ears. It cuts-off the surrounding sounds with better seal. If the ear piece are hard, or firm and friable , its surely a duplicate one.

5. Tubing-

The Tubing are one of the most important structure to differentiate a fake one. Fake Littmann has a highly Shiny tubes which are stiffer and liable to breakage incontrast to the original ones whihc have a duller colored tubes which are really flexible and can be bend easily without breaking.

6. The chest piece-

The chest piece of original Littmann has a Code written in it which can be entered online in the official website and checked for.

littmann stetho code

Also the Finishing is perfect and the Diaphragm has a pattern with good Logo. Copied stetho usually has a gross logo and plain diaphragm. Since the problem of counterfeit Littmann stethoscopes is growing, 3M has announced on some of their websites that they are adding a security feature to newly produced products.  The underside of the box will feature the Littmann logo as a hologram to distinguish it from fake versions of the product.

BUY Original Littmann from Amazon

7. Patency –

When two ear pieces are connected and pressed against each other ( the orifice should seal each other), the diaphragm moves with it. This is found in original one but few high-copy steth can pass this test.

8. Performance-

If it performs bad, its a duplicate one. Compare it with your friends stethoscopes.

Recently , there are high-copy pieces in the market. Differentiating them from original is difficult task. You may just ask the Dealer ” Is this original or copy?” He may give you the true answer. 🙂
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  • Is the picture of the box an original one or is it to show how a fake one looks? because I have seen a different box that has the 3M logo in the same position but with another design. Thank You.

  • Please where can I check for my stethescope ? the online registration link please

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