April 27, 2024

How To Address These 4 Most Common Skin Conditions Among Women

  • December 1, 2021
  • 5 min read
How To Address These 4 Most Common Skin Conditions Among Women

Everyone’s skin isn’t flawless. One way or another, people experience issues with their skin, either occurring once or chronically during their lifetime. With a multitude of factors that affect one’s skin health, such as heredity, ethnicity, diet, and nutrition, and hormonal change, women have had their fair share of skin problems. 

In this article, you’ll be exploring skin conditions prevalent among the women population. If you’re experiencing one of the conditions below right now, take a closer look into how you can address and manage it effectively. Here’s the list of skin conditions, along with their symptoms, cause, period of occurrence, and some management and treatment tips: 

  1. Hormonal Acne 

Acne can be brought by several factors and causes, but perhaps the most prevalent and difficult one to treat is acne caused by hormonal fluctuations. Hormonal acne is more common in women than in men, as hormonal imbalances occur in women during puberty, menstruation, and menopause. 

Mild hormonal acne can be easily treated by over-the-counter products, but extreme cases might require stronger treatments. Modern treatments like light therapy can help reduce inflammation of acne, you may check this recommended site for more information.

  • Anti-androgen drugs like spironolactone 
  • Oral contraceptives such as norgestimate, drospirenone, and norethindrone 
  • Topical retinoids
  1. Stretch Marks

Fifty to ninety percent of the women population globally experience stretch marks. Stretch marks are long, narrow lines that usually appear on the skin after a sudden weight gain, pregnancy, and puberty. 

The key to minimizing the appearance of stretch marks is to understand how it occurs in the first place. The rapid expansion of the skin mainly contributes to stretch marks, as the connecting fibers in the skin’s middle layer, the dermis, can only support slow skin growth. With this sudden fiber stretching, the dermis layer tears and allows the deeper skin layers to appear through the skin. 

Various methods are available to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, but you may have difficulty eliminating them for good. Red-tinged stretch marks are more responsive to treatment, thus making them easier to treat than white stretch marks. Here are some ways you can fade stretch marks successfully: 

  • Physical exfoliation – exfoliate the affected part regularly with the use of a granular substance
  • Microdermabrasion – performed using a handheld device spraying exfoliating microcrystals to the skin
  • Microneedling – pokes the skin using tiny needles to stimulate collagen production
  1. Rosacea 

Skin redness and irritation are experienced by individuals of all colors. While mild cases shouldn’t be a cause of worry, people experiencing medium and extreme cases should have their skin checked for rosacea. Rosacea causes your face to flush uncontrollably and is accompanied by visible blood vessels and bumps on your face. 

As of today, rosacea has no known cure. However, you can treat your condition in different ways and it’s important to practice them as soon as you get diagnosed, as the symptoms can worsen over time. Here are top treatment options for rosacea that your dermatologist may offer: 

  • Oral antibiotics including erythromycin, minocycline, and tetracycline 
  • Laser treatment accompanied with scalpel surgery 
  • Isotretinoin
  • Eye drops (for ocular rosacea) 

Moreover, it’s important to identify your rosacea triggers and do your best to avoid them. Observe and make a list of possible triggers of rosacea and get in touch with a dermatology expert as people suffering from this condition can have a combination of different causes, such as: 

  • Extreme temperatures
  • Alcoholic beverages 
  • Wind and sunlight
  • Oral medications 
  • Stress and anxiety 
  1. Melanoma 

Skin cancer is a serious condition affecting a huge portion of the women population. Although men are twice as likely to die from skin cancer, it’s important to know that women up to 49 years old still have a high probability of developing one. The most serious type of skin cancer is called melanoma, it occurs when cancer cells grow in melanocytes, the cells that provide the skin’s color. 

Young woman with moles on grey background

In women, melanoma is usually spotted on the legs, face, and neck, appearing like a mole in a brown or black color. Examining your skin regularly is vital to detect the disease and have it treated with surgery early on. To lessen your chances of developing melanoma, avoid getting too much sun exposure. As much as possible, wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily and reapply consistently after sweating and long hours. Lastly, get your skin checked by a dermatologist at least once a year, particularly if you and your family have a history of skin diseases.


Being the largest organ of the human body, your skin plays numerous functions vital for your health and survival. As self-care among women is becoming more mainstream and well-promoted today, it’s time to give back to your skin if you haven’t established an effective skin-care routine yet. 

Being knowledgeable about these prevalent skin issues among women and how to address them is one of the fundamentals of keeping your skin healthy and happy. Once you take care of your skin regularly, you’ll be thankful for the benefits you’ll reap once you get older. 

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