Diabetes: Tips on planning Diet

Keeping blood sugar in normal range prevents all the further complications diabetes can bring. Control of Diabetes can be attained by dietary control, insulin, oral hypoglycemic drugs and weight loss. All people with diabetes are required to take certain dietary measures and these measures can be quiet helpful in the control of blood sugar level. People with diabetes, besides a physician should also take nutritional advice from dietician for dietary control of diabetes.
• Limiting sweets and sugars (low calorie sugar-free diets are good for diabetics)
• Eating often instead of eating large meals (helps in maintaining steady blood glucose level)
• Eating lots of whole-grain foods, fruits, vegetables and roughage (high fiber diet)
• Eating less fat and oil
• Limiting alcohol intake (alcohol can be consumed in moderation unless there is another condition that needs abstinence)
• Salt intake should be limited to less than 6gm/day and less than 3 gm/day in diabetics with hypertension
Besides, following tips:
• Regular aerobic exercise
• Regular blood glucose level monitoring (you can use a glucometer for this)
• Regular check-ups and follow-ups (Eye examination must be included)
- Achieve normal blood sugar level i.e. good glycemic control
Weight control
Reduce risks of future complications
Ensure adequate nutritional intake
Prevent hypo and hyperglycemia
To help the diabetic plan a good dietHOW SHOULD THE COMPOSITION OF DIET BE ?
1.Carbohydrate – 45 to 60% (Sucrose up to 10%)
Knowledge of carbohydrate content of food is essential in self-management of diabetes. Avoidance of refined carbohydrate and restriction of total intake is important in control of diabetes type II.
Knowledge of glycemic index of food will help you to choose food with low calories.
2.Fat – total < 35% (Saturated < 10%)
Omega 3 fatty acid which is found predominantly in fish oil such as salmon, Mackerel, Herring and Sardines have been shown to be helpful in preventing cardiovascular complications.
3.Protein – 10 to 15% (do not intake more than 1gm/kg body weight)