April 28, 2024

Nepal Data fact-sheet for IOM MD/MS Entrance

  • June 1, 2014
  • 2 min read

Data factsheet from Annual report of Nepal 2068/69- Children Data

o Malnutrition and under‐nutrition diminishes cognitive and economic growth of the affected population which in turn reduces GDP by at least 3 percent.
o The NDHS 2011 has also estimated low birth weight (i.e. “very small” or “smaller than average”) at 12 percent

Tackling MCQs
Tackling MCQs

o Neonatal Mortality rate- 33/1000
o Infant Mortality Rate- 46/1000
o Under 5 mortality rate- 54/1000
o Prevalence of anemia in children- 46%
o Percentage of Stunting- 41% in 2011
o Percentage of Underweight children- 29%
o Percentage of wasting- 11%

Immunization Schedule of National Immunization Program
• All infants (under 12 months) for BCG, DPT‐HepB‐Hib, OPV and measles vaccines
• 12‐23 months children for JE vaccine
• All pregnant women for TT vaccine
Type of Vaccine Number of Doses Recommended Age
BCG 1 At birth or on first contact with health institution
OPV 3 6, 10, and 14 weeks of age
DPT ‐ HepB – Hib
3 6, 10, and 14 weeks of age
Measles 1 9 months of age
TT 2 Pregnant women
1 12‐23 months of age

Coverage rates for different vaccines-
1. BCG- 96%
2. Pentavalent 3- 90%
3. Polio 3- 90%
4. Meales – 86%


o In 1997, the IMCI program was initiated in Mahottari district as a pilot.
o As a result the Community based ARI and CDD (CBAC) program was merged into IMCI in 1999 and is now called the Community Based Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (CB‐IMCI).
o CB‐IMCI Program has covered 75 districts by the end of fiscal year 2066/67 (2009/2010).
o Newborn component was added to CB‐IMCI in 2004.
o CB‐IMCI) Program addresses major childhood killer diseases like Pneumonia, Diarrhoea, Malaria, Measles and Malnutrition in 2 months to 5 years children in a holistic way.
o CB‐IMCI also includes management of infection, Jaundice, Hypothermia and counseling on breastfeeding for young infants less than 2 months of age.
o Target- reduce neonatal mortality from the current rate of 33/1,000 live births to 17/1,000 live births by 2015
o The major causes of neonatal death in Nepal are infection, birth asphyxia, preterm birth, and hypothermia.

2068/69 data
o Incidence of acute respiratory infection (ARI) per 1,000 children under five years (new visits)- 880
o Incidence of Pneumonia (mild + severe) per 1,000 children under five years-239
o Incidence of diarrhea per 1,000 under five years children (new cases)- 528
o % of diarrheal cases treated with Zinc and ORS among children under five years with diarrhea – 79


Download full Annual Report Here

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