This Neoplasmic Love

A Poetry By Prayush Aryal
Recently, a research has defined love as a disease characterized by abnormal heart rhythms, sweating, impaired brain function, incoherent speech patterns and loss of sleep. This poetry constructed using medical terms uses characteristics of neoplasm (cancer) to characterize love.
Your love is a malignant tumor
Infiltrating my heart
Metastasizing to my soul
Killing me slowly
My mind’s taking da toll.
You encapsulate me
Circumscribe my imagination
Your memories packed inside
I won’t let any herniation.
Aaah..this tachycardia
And this impulse to love you
Coming from basal ganglia.
I wanna be your Homer-Wright rossette
You are my central fibrillar space
Just remember me when you need me
I’ll b there with glioblastoma’s pace.
Oh my Belladona
If im a life, then you are my water
Just say “yes” to me baby
I’ll stick to you whole life like Piamater.
By Prayush Aryal
KIST Medical College
Batch 2nd
1 Comment
good one prayush keep it up………
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