September 15, 2024

Slip And Fall Injuries: What, When, And How

  • December 15, 2021
  • 5 min read
Slip And Fall Injuries: What, When, And How

All it takes is a puddle on the floor or a misplaced object you didn’t notice for you to slip and fall. That’s why injuries under this category are as common as its causes. Because of how easy it is to miss a wet floor or how there’s another step on the stairs, slip and fall injuries are more likely to happen than other accidents.

What Injuries You Can Sustain From Slip And Fall

Injuries you can get from slips and falls could either be easily manageable or highly life-threatening. 

  1. Bruises and abrasions. Since you’re unexpectedly coming into contact with the floor, your most likely reaction is to cushion yourself before hitting the floor. Therefore, your limbs will likely receive the brunt if the impact, specifically, your hands and legs. Whatever texture the floor has may cause those specific parts to bruise or scrape due to friction. 
  2. Broken bones. While some people can brace themselves to minimize injuries on impact, many are unfortunate enough to have a rough landing, falling with enough force to cause their bones to fracture. Although broken bones can still mend, you might be out of commission for a long time to allow it to recuperate. 
  3. Joint dislocation. This happens when you land on your shoulder or hip roughly. However, compared to how bones are capable of repairing despite their severity, surgery isn’t too farfetched for your dislocated joint to get it back to normal, especially if you dislocate your hip.
  4. Soft tissue injuries. This one is often accompanied by the previous type of injury. Putting unexpected force against your muscles may cause them to tear, along with your tendons and ligaments. Of course, it’s not as apparent as a broken bone or a cut in the skin, but having this kind of injury could cause chronic pain in the affected areas. 
  5. Head trauma. Again, unless you have quick reflexes, you can’t expect how you would fall. While others may land on their hands or shoulder, some are unlucky enough to fall on their heads. If this happens, seek medical help immediately, whether you’re experiencing symptoms or not. 
  6. Spinal cord injuries. The harder you fall on your back, the greater the chance that you could damage your spine. And if your spine—specifically, your spinal cord—gets damaged, it may cause permanent paralysis.
A man who slipped on a wet floor beside a bright yellow caution sign holds his back in pain

When Should You Consider Legal Options

Most of these injuries require extensive treatment. However, if you can’t afford to do so, then you might want to consider claiming a slip and fall injury claim. There may be a situation in which whoever you’re filing a case against could twist the situation around to make it seem that your carelessness is what caused your injury.  

To avoid that, get started by consulting a professional that specializes in injury claims, such as Orange County slip-and-fall accident lawyers or disability lawyers. With a disability attorney helping in building your case, you should gather the necessary evidence that may have contributed to you getting injured in a fall. Evidence may include some of these factors: 

  • Poor lighting or visibility 
  • Unstable surfaces 
  • Uneven flooring 
  • Dirty and disorganized environment 

By collecting evidence, it will be easier to identify on who should be held liable for the accident: 

  • Is the other party negligent, or did they cause the injury on purpose? 
  • Has an obstacle been there long enough for the other party to be capable of resolving it a long time ago?  
  • Are there enough warnings put up to bring attention to the obstacle?  

Your medical records can also serve as part of the evidence. As mentioned earlier, most of these injuries must be diagnosed and treated extensively. The more proof you have that justifies your condition, the more stronger your case will be, especially if the other party didn’t agree to the negotiated settlement.

How To Recover

Of course, although the case is already closed, you’ll still have to live with the aftermath of your injuries. While some can be treated for a few months, others may require invasive treatment to help you recover, especially dislocations or spinal cord injuries. Once you’ve recovered, consider taking physical therapy or chiropractic sessions. 

Physical therapy re-teaches the affected parts of your body to do basic functions. Hence, why it’s highly recommended for formerly comatose patients. Meanwhile, chiropractic care is ideal for patients experiencing stiffness or pain after taking a nasty fall. Most cases of physical therapy do not require invasive procedures.


Injuries caused by slipping and falling are probably the most common cause of accidents. However, many people make the mistake of underestimating its consequences, especially the legal aspects holding a party liable for the fall. So, knowing the ins and outs of slip and fall injuries may help justify the damage caused by the accident.

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