Celebrity with disease: Marty Feldman had Graves’ Disease
Martin Alan “Marty” Feldman was an English comedy writer, comedian and actor. He starred in a series of British television comedy shows, including At Last the 1948 Show, and Marty which won two BAFTA awards. He also starred in several films including Young Frankenstein.
His face was notable for his bulging eyes, a condition caused by Graves’ disease.
Graves’ Disease is A disorder caused by hyperactivity of Thyroid gland Present In the Neck.
Full Biography on Marty Feldman at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marty_Feldman
I knew there was something wrong. I didn’t know what. But you were great in the movies. There were so many laughs. Thank you,Marty.God bless.
The statement about Graves Disease is very incorrect. It is Not caused by the Thyroid. Hyperactivity of the thyroid is caused by the disease. Graves is a autoimmune disorder the attacks among other things the Thyroid.
Well, I never knew that, he used to be on TV regularly in the 1970’s and I just thought he was the ugliest man I had ever seen. Noe feel I own him and ammend – so if your’e listening Marty, wherever you may be, “I’m Sorry, You were probably a really nice person!” LOL
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