Recommended text books for Clinical MBBS

After the basic science phase, MBBS Clinical are the start to new horizon of medicine. New books , new interest, Bedside classes, Patient doctor interactions all make it an important preliminary to become a successful student and most important a successful doctor.
We had published our Top Recommended Basic Science books which included both text and reference books. The comment section was amazingly inspiring as it was full of readers recommendations. Similarly , we also previously published, the list of best books for Bedside clinical classes in MBBS, that either starts in first year for some course while most have it after end of Basic MBBS in 3rd year. We can assure that our reviews are free of any self interest and are purely intended to help Medical students and on the dream of that this website was established in 2009.
Here are the list of Recommended textbooks for MBBS Clinicals as endorsed by Medchrome magazine.
Internal Medicine
Reference books
- Harrison Textbook of Internal Medicine: main text book : If you are a regular reader, Harrison can be read as text book. It will certainly build your base for future. Even if you can’t , you should refer atleast long cases and question topics like- COPD, Stroke, Bronchial Asthma, Cirrhosis and portal hypertension etc from this book. Nephrology section is equally smooth and good.
- Alagappan for clinical correlation skills and differentials.
- Kumar and Clark’s Clinical Medicine
- Medicine Prep Manual for Undergraduates – K.George mathew
- Bailey & Love’s Short Practice of Surgery 26E
- S. Das textbook of surgery
- SRB Manual
- Manipal Surgery
- Orthopaedics: Apley’s Principles of Surgery, Maheshwari
Reference book
- Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery: Since Bailey is so good, reference books aren’t much needed in Surgery
- Essentials of General Surgery – Peter F. Lawrence
- McRae Clinical Orthopedic Examination
- Textbook of Orthopedics – John Ebnezar
Obstetrics and Gynecology-
- DC Dutta’s Textbook of Obstetrics- Although it is pile of stories, there is no better alternative to this book.
- Shaw’s- Text book of gynecology – best text book for Gynecology
- Current O&G Diagnosis & Treatment- a very good 2nd book for O&G
- Williams obstetrics
- High risk pregnancy
- Nelson textbook of Pediatrics.
- IAP Book
If you have more books to recommend, we can add to the list after reviewing, please comment on the section below.
- Comprehensive ophthalmology – A.K Khuranna
- Oxford handbook of Ophthalmology
- Kanski’s clinical ophthalmology
- Parson’s disease of the eye
- Current diagnosis and treatment in Otorhinolaryngology
- Diseases of the ear, nose and throat – P.L Dhingra
- Clinical methods in ENT – PT Wakode