Best books for Pediatrics Residency: List

Residency in any subject in Medical filed is not a piece of cake. There is no limit of knowledge you need to acquire and the tougher thing is you need to acquire knowledge and skills side by side. A mastery in only one field can leave you defective. As a resident in Pediatrics, called MD Pediatrics, MD in child and adolescent health according to various Institutions, you need a list of books to go through.
General Pediatrics
Say it Geeta, Bible or Koran, Nelson Text book is a book you need to gulp up as a resident pediatrics doctor.
- Nelson Text Book Of Pediatrics is by far the bible of a pediatrician. It is the least you need to read thoroughly before you clear you finals. 19th Edition is the latest issue.
- Essential Pediatrics by OP Ghai is an add on the above book. Its worth going through. Some topics like malnutrition and CVS are well discussed here.
- Current Pediatric Diagnosis and Treatment
Handbooks for Day to Day Duties: On pocket books
Harrient and Lane, is the standard of pratice book for doses and review of chapters in many institutes.
- Harrient and Lane Hand book- from John Hopkins Hospital
- Oxford Handbook of Pediatrics
- Washington Manual
Practical or Bedside Medicine Books-
For basic procedures and techniques, follow standard books like Hutchinson and Macleod’s and use bedside pediatrics books for specific pediatric knowledge.
- Hutchinson Clinical Methods
- Meherban Singh: Pediatrics Clinical Methods
- Piyush Gupta: Clinical Methods in Pediatrics
- Macleod’s Clinical Examination
The Newborn book by Janelle Aby is extremely beautiful. I have contributed a photo of baby with Galactorrhea in it, as a courtesy the author couriered me 2 beautiful copies , of which, I have kept one for my self and one I have donated to the Department of Pediatrics. Zitelli David is recommended by Dr Sanuraj Yadav, who is currently in Mayoclinic , US.
- Zitelli David Atlas of Pediatric Diagnosis- 7th edition
- The Newborn Book- Janelle Aby
I have a big collection of Neonatology books, for subspeciality Fanaroff and Martin is best. For PG , these are good ones. But for Exam, Nelson Nelson Nelson even for Neonatology.
- Avery’s Disease of the Newborn
- Cloherty- Manual of Neonatal care
- Meherban singh: Care of the Newborn
- Volpe’s Neurology
- Goldsmith : Assiated Ventilation of Neonates
- AIIMS Protocol of Neonatology: Updated
Infectious Disease and Immunization
- Red Book –27th edition of the American Academy of Pediatrics Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases
- Pediatric Cardiology for Practitioners- M . K. Park
- Pediatric Nephrology- RN shrivasta and Arvind Bagga
- Nathan and Oski’s Hematology of Infancy and Childhood
- Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology– Pizzo and Poplack
- Child Neurology– Menke and Sarnat
- Clinical Pediatric Neurology– Ronald and David
- Development- Ellingworth
- Pediatric Endocrinology– Sterling
- Brooke’s Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology
- Smith’s Recognizable patterns of Human Malformations
- Kendig: Diorders of Respiratory tract in children
- Pediatric Pulmonology: American Academy of Pediatrics
These books are result of intensive research and hardwork of the Author. More to Add to the list. You can recommend books missing in the list in the comment section.
Article by
Dr Sujit K Shrestha,MD Pediatrics- Institute of Medicine, Lecturer in Pediatrics/Neonatology- NMCTH
Thank you sir. Much appreciation for a well written and fruitful recommendation for your residents and residents at other institutes.
Thank you Dr. Rakesh for appreciating our effort.
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