What Resources are students using for USMLE 2022?

Resources for USMLE preparation has always been a big confusion among students. There are numerous resources and that leads to loads of confusion. Choosing your resources wisely and tailored to your needs, helps you go smoothly and not lose time, and you can study within your time frame.
We also posted Best resources for USMLE 2021 and that was based on online informations.
In a Survey of students in a Facebook dedicated USMLE group, 354 students replied to the poll. Sample included mostly Internation Medical graduates, US graduates and US IMGs but majority are IMGs. As per 2021-2022, the most popular resources among the group were:

First Aid USMLE : The Gold resource, stuffed with all the high yield data along your course at Medical school. A must buy resource. To buy click on the book below.
2. Boards and Beyonds: was number 2 most used resource among the students. It is rapid review of all subjects and you also can get the powerpoint slides of same. If you need to recollect knowledge, this is good resource.
3. Pathoma: The gold of pathology. It is deemed the best resource for USMLE step 1 pathology fundamentals.
Uworld USMLE: This MCQ and Exam style resource that is the most vital among all. It prepares you in best way for exams from all aspects. More than 95% students will take up this anyway. Many students are in starting phase, so in the poll, Uworld came a bit lower.
Sketchy series: Sketchy Microbiology is very popular.
Kaplan USMLE lectures: The high quality but length resource. If you have enough time, this is where you should start with.
Other Resouces too which were on the polls were. They did have dozens of voters too.
USMLErx Bricks
Lecturio and others.