Useful Mnemonics from Anatomy
Anatomy Respiratory System Mnemonics: Mnemonics are excellent method for memorizing Anatomy. Anatomy may not always be easy to understands or remember, so here are few mnemonics which shall help Medical students.
Phases of Development of lungs:
“Every Premature Child Takes Air”
E = Embryonic (4-5 weeks)
P = Pseudoglandular (5-16 weeks)
C = Canalicular (16-26 weeks)
T = Terminal sac (26 weeks to 8 months)
A = Alveolar (8 months to birth)
Nerve supply of diaphragm:
C three,four and Five, keeps diaphragm alive
Phrenic nerve (C3-5) supplies diaphragm. Irritation of diaphragm may cause referred pain on shoulder because phrenic nerve and supraclavicular nerve have same root value i.e. C3-5.
Opening of Diaphragm:
Voice of America (VOA 8,10,12)
Venacaval opening lies in the central tendon of diaphragm at the level of T8
Oesophageal opening lies in the muscular part of diaphragm at the level of T10
Aortic opening lies at the lower border of T12
Components of median nasal septum (medial wall of nasal cavity):
VPN (virtual private network) of RS 100
V = Vomer
P = Perpendicular plate of ethmoid
N = Nasal spine of frontal bone; Nasal crests of nasal, palatine and maxillary bone
R = Rostrum of sphenoid
S = Septal cartilage, Septal process of inferior nasal cartilage
Bronchopulmonary segments of Lung:
A PALM Seed MakeS Another Little Palm”
From superior to inferior:
Medial basal
Anterior basal
Lateral basal
Posterior basal
Parts of Larynx (Voicebox) in sagittal section:
3 Vs
Vestibular fold
Ventricle (Sinus)
Vocal fold
Pleura surface markings:
All the even ribs, in order: 2,4,6,8,10,12 show its route
Rib 2: sharp angle inferiorly
Rib 4: the left pleura does a lateral shift to accommodate heart (cardiac notch)
Rib 6: both diverge laterally
Rib 8: midclavicular line
Rib 10: midaxillary line
Rib 12: the back
Contents of Superior Mediastinum:
P = Phrenic nerve
V = Vagus nerve
T = Thoracic duct
Left = Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
B = Brachiocephalic veins
A = Arch of aorta and its 3 branches
T = Thymus
T = Trachea
L = Lymph nodes
E = Esophagus
The 3 branches of Arch of Aorta
ABCs of Aortic Arch
A = Aortic arch
B = Brachiocephalic trunk
C = Left common carodtid artery
S = Left subclavian artery
Contents of posterior mediastinum:
4 birds:
esophaGOOSE (esophagus)
vaGOOSE nerve (vagus)
azyGOOSE vein (azygos)
thoracic DUCK (duct)
1 Comment
I also used to memories the anatomy of human body by this method. this is one example, here is the sequence in which teeth erupt in child..
Mummy = 1st molar
Is = incisor
In = incisor
Pain = premolar
Papa = premolar
Can = canine
Make = 2nd molar
Medicine = 3rd molar.
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