MBBS Guide: Topics for Pediatrics Exam

Besides internal medicine, you need to learn about conditions specific to children and neonates – This is Pediatrics; vast and sensitive subject. As we have limited time before the exam, it may not be possible to revise all the topics. Below is a list of topics in Pediatrics, you should not miss while appearing for the exams. These topics must be studied in an “approach” and “case” basis to make the most out of it. Please add your topics by commenting.
- Short stature
- Failure to thrive
- Laws of growth and development
- Developmental milestones and assessment
- Hyponatremia and Hyperkalemia
- Malnutrition
- Vitamin A and D deficiency
- Zinc and Iodine deficiency
- Neonatal resuscitation
- Neonatal hypothermia
- Neonatal fluid and electrolyte management
- Kangaroo Mother Care
- Neonatal sepsis and shock
- Respiratory distress in neonates
- Neonatal jaundice
- Neonatal hypoglycemia
- New born to diabetic mother
- New immunization schedule of Nepal and Extra vaccines
- Approach to Pyrexia of unknow origin
- Fever with rash – Measles vs Rubella vs Roseola infantum, Chickenpox, Mumps
- Acute flaccid paralysis and differentiating features of causes
- HIV diagnosis and PMTCT
- Enteric fever
- Neonatal tetanus
- Tuberculosis diagnosis, regimen and difference from adults
- Malaria and cerebral malaria
- Congenital rubella
- IMCI diarrhea management
- Approach to hepatosplenomegaly
- Hepatic encephalopathy
- Chronic liver disease and indications of liver transplantation
- Approach to pediatric anemia
- Management of Iron deficiency anemia
- Thalassemia
- Approach to bleeding disorder – ITP, DIC
- Upper vs Lower respiratory tract infection
- Management of Croup
- Pneumonia + IMCI management
- Pleural effusion, Pneumothorax
- Bronchiolitis vs Asthma vs FB aspiration
- Management of Status asthmaticus + Classification and stepwise treatment of asthma
- Management of Cardiac failure
- Congenital heart disease – Nada’s criteria, Tetralogy of fallot with management of tet spells, VSD, PDA
- Rheumatic heart disease and Mitral regurgitation
- Infective endocarditis and indications of antibiotic prophylaxis
- Hypertensive emergency
- ECG – Heart block, VT, PSVT, AF, Hyperkalemia, Hypokalemia
- Approach to hematuria and proteinuria
- Nephrotic syndrome and indications of renal biopsy
- PSGN and indications of renal biopsy
- HSP and HUS
- UTI and VUR
- Status epilepticus
- Febrile seizure
- Meningitis and Meningococcemia
- Neurocysticercosis vs TB encephalitis
- Leukemia and tumor lysis syndrome
- Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
- General management of poisoning and kerosene poisoning
- Pediatric shock
Sir, if I’m starting pedia what topics should I go through once of my 1st and 2nd prof subjects for better correlation?
Developmental milestones and assessments??
Thank you Avinash for a reminder – we had missed an important topic. The list has been updated. Here is a mnemonic to remember the developmental milestones.
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