8. wernicke’s encephalopathy due to thiamine deficiency presents with an acute confusional state & brainstem abnormalities such as ataxia, nystagmus,extraocular muscle weakness.
• if inadequately treated this results in dementia characterized by profound disturbance of short term memory associated with tendency to confabulate called korsakoff’s psychosis.
• t/t-50-100mg thiamine hydrochloride by slow iv inj. followed by 50-100mg inj.i.m daily for a week.
9. pontine myelinolysis – if hyponatraemia is treated too rapidly women may develop central pontine myelinolysis caused by symmetrical destruction of myelin at the centre of the basal pons & canresult in pyramidal tract signs, spastic quadriparesis, pseudobulbar palsy & impaired consciousness.
• no long-term follow-up studies have been conducted on children of hyperemetic women. Children born to hyperemetic women appear to have no greater risk of omplications or birth defects than the general population. However, recent research in fetal programming indicates that prolonged stress, dehydration and malnutrition during pregnancy can put the fetus at risk for chronic disease, such as diabetes or heart disease ,later in life, or neurobehaviorial issues from birth. This underscores the importance of aggressive treatment of the con
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