September 15, 2024

Being Doctor: Then and Now, Is it worth it?

  • March 23, 2017
  • 3 min read
Being Doctor: Then and Now, Is it worth it?

Recently, the social media has been flooding with news of Doctors being assaulted ( thrashed, beaten or terrorized ) here and there. In India the famine is worst and there are news of even worst in China. Few months back, there was a video footage of Medical person being taken Hostage and forced to plea forgiveness in Charikot of Nepal and today the social media is burning on case where medicos were beaten by patients relatives. The entire fraternity rushed to protest. These aren’t new news.We as  professionals, have been adapted to it and now aren’t much sensitized by such incidents.


Why are doctors being punched?

Because , doctors are noble professionals, have dedicated their life in studying and living as gentlemen and have not involved in fights and battles. So easy targets for anyone. Unarmed, unprotected and helpless. Even the Umbrella organizations which claim to look after doctor’s welfare aren’t doing much. So there is a kind of Bullying going on.

Emotional outburst is a common reaction in hospitals, it doesn’t mean people can punch doctors and calm down their anger. The first punch should have been answered with a strong strike . A big protest was needed at the very first incident. ” Jail without bail” for the criminals.  We are already are in need of nine stitches now, when a single stitch in time could have prevented all this.




Doctors then

Twenty years ago or 40 years ago, Doctors were rare and valued. Not everyone could see a doctor then. With immense social respect, fame and prosperity, the profession became a dream for children then. There was no alternative and what they did was final. People accepted death well. Doctor’s came among priviledged citizens.

There was no internet and no one knew much. No one cross questioned the doctors. The fraternity was well socialized with the aristocrats.


Doctors Now

Over production, Sold dreams and centralization made doctors dirt cheap. Every second house now seems to have a medical students at home. Supply  crossed the demand. The payment fell to rubbles. The media compounded the condition and supported the thrashing of medicos, specially in Nepal. So, it started becoming a trend.  Rampaging hospitals and threatening compensations became a trend. And here we are at a state where, doctors are fighting for survival. The future of profession is at stake and may be if things worsen, no one will opt this career in near future.


Is it worth it?

It’s time for parents and students to think over it. Study till death and if you survive death, you are beaten to death. Is this the career you want? Is this the dream you opt for?

Work hard for entrance, Pay crore for education or work in years of bond in strange villages and earn in pennies. Feel insecure at workplace, lose sound sleep and always have fear of Medical litigation and assault. Is it worth it?

We leave the question Open.


Article By Resident Doctor ( Anonymous)

About Author



  • No it’s not. Work Ur ass off only to be spat on

  • Yes its save millions of lives,to relieve the pain and to mske the dream cone true

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