February 9, 2025

Top Electronic Gadgets for Medical professionals

  • December 27, 2022
  • 4 min read
Top Electronic Gadgets for Medical professionals

There is a drastic change in how the health system and health professionals operate now after the advent of age of information technology. The medical equipments, gadgets and software has made the health care more objective, less prone to human errors and more reliable. The gadgets most common used by Medical and Health professionals are listed below.

Top 10 Gadgets for Medical professionals:

1. Smartphones: 

The smartphones are the most handy and most often used gadgets by any health professionals, including students. The smartphones are not just used as communication tool but also as a resource for studying and patient management. With the rapid development of efficient smartphones, well tailored professional apps, excellent cameras and accessories, smartphone leaves behind any other device in contest of utility and value.  As they are portable and all the time with people they have a better use these days.

Iphones and Android phones are popular in the market. Huwawei phones are popular in Asian region. The phones can be used for taking snaps of study materials. For students it is excellent tool. All apps for studying are now avaible in phones and need to carry books where ever you go is ending. Cellphones with larger screens are best for us.

2. Laptop:  The value of laptop for health professionals won’t end soon. Despite being less portable , the device is extremely user friendly and powerful compared to other devices. It is useful for research purpose, for long hours study like during exams and USMLE test preparations, Creating presentations and making good notes. Some of its utility has been largely replaced by good tablets, specially since tablets have good note-making apps, pencils and touch screen.

Macbooks  and Windows Laptop – HP, Dell, Acer etc are 2 different Operating sytem enviroments. Laptop is also powerful from storage point of view and can be used as desktop replacement if you buy ones with large screen.

3. Tablets: Tablets have developed as excellent gadgets for Students and health professionals. There are huge spectrum of medical apps avialble in iOS and Android. It can be used in lectures for recordings and notes, creating good pictures and algorithms.Apple Ipad series and Samsung Galaxy S series are excellent for notes and used by students in colleges. Ipad mini is handy for bedside rotations and clinical duties as they fit into pockets. Microsoft surface is windows tablet and there is a different fanbase for it. Carrying 100s of books can be very handy for students. So Amazon Kindle, Apple Ipad, Samsung Tab are also growingly being used for Ebook reading and Internet.

4. Watch with optimal function:
A doctor needs a watch with all three needles for hour,minute and seconds. Watch will be required for examining vitals Pulse, RR etc. Analog or Digital which can show seconds will be best for a medical professional. Iwatch, Samsung watch, Mi watches are popular among students and doctors. They can be used for communication as well.

5.Printer/scanner / photocopier
Nothing is as satisfactory as having information on a Hard ie paper. So for information and study purpose photocopies , scans and printed materials from internet, books etc are widely read and shared among students as well as doctors.

6. Portable storage device
A pocket friend of any Medical person. A pendrive is a sharing device of classnotes, lectures, presentations and pictures. The size of the device has made it so portable and popular among health workers. The need of pendrives are gradully replaced by the cloud storages, high storage mobile phones and sharing apps like Watsapp, Viber, Dropbox.

Projector are used for Lectures , classes and Presentations. They make seminar and conferences more visible, clear and thus more efficient. They have become essential gadgets in Classrooms and Seminar halls.

8. Headphones/ Earphones/ Ear pods :   These are one of the favorite devices health professionals and students own.

There are other devices, but their utility have been decreasing. Digital cameras, Ebook readers, ipods were some of things that are less used now.

This is an update to the previously published article.

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  • Wonderful information. I have bookmarked this internet site.

  • Really appreciated the effort to list out the Gadgets we doctors Need.
    Thanks , I’ll check out on Kindle.

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