Recommended Books For MBBS Basic Science

Which Books to study ? We recommend –
- Human Anatomy Vol. 0,1,2 and 3 – B.D Chaurasia (Indian Writer) – Widely studied by medical students in Nepal
- Essentials of Human Anatomy – A K Dutta
- Clinical Anatomy – Richard S Snell
- Clinically Oriented Anatomy – Keith L Moore and Arthur F Dally
- Gray’s Anatomy For Students – Richard L Drake, Wayne Vogl, Adam W M Mitchell
- Human Anatomy – Van De Graff
- Interactive Atlas of Human Anatomy – Frank H Netter
- McMinn’s Colour Atlas of Human Anatomy – P H Abrahams, S C Marks Jr, R T Hutchings
- Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy – Anne M R Agur, Arthur F Dalley
- Textbook of anatomy by Inderbir Singh
- Cunningham’s Manual of Practical Anatomy
- Grant’s Dissector – Patrick W Tank
- Textbook of Human Neuroanatomy – Inderbir Singh
- Clinical Neuroanatomy – Richard S Snell
- Langman’s Medical Embryology – T W Sadler
- Human Embryology by Inderbir Singh and G.P. Pal
- Wheater’s functional histology by B.Young and JW Health
- Textbook of Human histology by Inderbir Singh
- Biochemistry – Satyanarayan
- Harpers’ Illustrated Biochemistry
- Lippincott’s Biochemistry
- Lehringer Principles of biochemistry
- Marks’ Basic Medical Biochemistry
- Textbook of Biochemistry by Shinde
- Essentials of Medical Physiology – Mahapatra
- BRS (Board Review Series) Physiology
- Textbook of Medical Physiology – G K Pal
- Textbook of Medical Physiology – Guyton and Hall
- Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology
- Understanding Medical Physiology – R.L Bijlani
- Berne and Levy Physiology – Koeppen, Stanton
- Human Physiology – Sembulingham
- Concise Medical Physiology – Chaudhary

- Robbin’s Basic Pathology – Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Mitchell
- Robbin’s and Cotran’s Pathological Basis of Disease
- Textbook of Pathology – Harsh Mohan (Recommended only for pathology pictures, most teachers do not recommend its text)
- Pathology Illustrated – Peter S Macfarlane, Robin Reid, Robin Callander (For figures and charts)
Pathology last hour review:
- Pathology Quick Review and MCQs – Harsh Mohan
- Pocket companion to Robbins Pathological Basis of Disease
- A Textbook of Microbiology – P Chakraborty
- Textbook of Microbiology – R Ananthanarayan, C K J Paniker
- Clinical Microbiology Made Ridiculously Simple – Medmaster series
- Textbook of Medical Parasitology by Paniker
- Medical Parasitology by RL Ichhpujani and Rajesh Bhatia
- Textbook of Medical Parasitology by Chatterjee
- Essentials of Medical Pharmacology – K D Tripathi (Best)
- Clinical Pharmacology – Bennet and Brown (Reference)
- Satoskar Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics
- Basic and Clinical Pharmacology – Katzung, Masters, Trevors (Reference)
- Lippincott’s Illustrated Review of Pharmacology by Mary Mycek, Richard Harvey and Pamela Champe (Reference)
- Park’s Textbook Of Preventive and Social Medicine by K Park
- A Comprehensive Textbook of Community Medicine (preventive and Social Medicine) by J S Mathur
- Methods in Biostatistics by B K Mahajan
- Manual of Biostatistics by JP Baride, AP Kulkarni, RD Muzumdar
Guide Books (Available in Nepal)
- A Review of Basic Science for 1st Phase MBBS by Manoj Bhnadari (BSR)
- Integrated Basic Medical Science (IBMS) by Sujit Kumar Jha
- A Textbook of Community Medicine for 1st year MBBS (TU/KU) by Bibek Poudel, Kamal Pokhrel and Sanjiv Bastakoti
Also Read-
Best Books for BEDSIDE Classes
This article was checked and updated in 2016
Compiled as per books used by students in NMC, KMC, IOM and KIST
are INDIAN BOOKS sufficient for PLAB?
Hello. I am preparing for my first professional exam. How do I get McQ for anatomy and physiology. Thanks.
Fascinating website. Thank you for providing it.
I am a USA MD student, 2nd year preclinicals, and preparing for the USMLE Step Medical Board Exam in April 2018. I have not used any of the Indian books but I am confident they are as good if not better than USA books. With that being said, I used the following textbooks, read them, took hand written notes, reread textbooks where noted in personal notes and am referencing them now as needed for the Step 1 Exam. The more popular textsbooks used by those MD students like me who prefer to read traditional hard cover textbooks were:
Anatomy: Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy
Embryology: Medical Embryology, Langman
Biochemistry: Marks Essentials of Medical Biochemistry A Clinical Approach
Genetics in Medicine: Thompson & Thompson
Histology: A Text and Atlas by Michael H. Ross PhD , Wojciech Pawlina MD
Physiology: by Dr Linda Costanzo, PhD
Microbiology: Medical Microbiology, by Patrick R. Murray PhD
Pathology: Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease (the big book)
Robbins and Cotran Atlas of Pathology by Dr Edward C. Klatt MD
Immunology: Janeway’s Immunobiology by Dr Kenneth Murphy
Pharmacology: Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, Katzung
Radiology: Learning Radiology: Recognizing the Basics
Neuroscience: Siegel Essential Neuroscience
Neuroanatomy: Neuroanatomy Through Clinical Cases, HAL BLUMENFELD, M.D., Ph.D.
Srudying medicine is a marathon not a sprint. Reading is part of the job
I hope this helps!
Organ specific textbooks I also bought and read and studied
Pathophysiology of Heart Disease: A Collaborative Project of Medical Students and Faculty by Dr Leonard S. Lilly MD
West’s Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials by Dr John B. West M.D. Ph.D. D.Sc
West’s Pulmonary Pathophysiology by Dr John B. West M.D. Ph.D. D.Sc
Renal Pathophysiology by Dr Helmut Rennke MD
Can you tell me which is the best book for pharmacology?
I basically love to read anatomy books. The best book I get is Human Anatomy by Van De Graff. The book is in simple language with full description of every topic.
Please also note that your english reading writing and speaking skills shall be tested extensively and intensively in the duration of your medical residency. So it is advisable to pick up some english learning courses and/or apps to fortify your language skills. And practice them regularly.
Also, obtain greek and latin roots handouts available on internet for med school students. 5-10 minutes of brushing up on a daily basis should have you up to speed with conjugate and complex physiological/anatomical terms within 3-4 months. Do not be discouraged by the slow speed early on. It is a cumulative process, and progress is usually high in the later stages when you have adapted yourself to the basic greek and latin roots.
Good luck guys. Fight the good fight. ( and try not to overcharge your poorer patients ; )
dear admin as well as Anyone reading this, can you please give me a link from where I can download KU Syllabus for MBBS Basic Science. I asked for in bookstores but they said they don’t have such books. i searched the university website but didn’t find anything, please help. Where can I buy the book from???
Can u suggest books for b optometry entrance test?
We are told to prefer foreign writers’ books but my friends say Indian writers are good. So, plz suggest me which book would be better for: (with any suggestion required)
Microbiology-Chakraborthy or Anantanarayan?
Biochemistry- Satyanarayan or Lippincott?
Physiology-Guyton or Mahapatra?
Pathology- Robbins Basic or Basis?
Anatomy-Moore or BDC?
Atlas-Thieme or Netter’s?
Community Medicine-Park or any other?
Dilip, it depends on you. If you want to make life easy, Indian books are as good. But there is no alternative to Robbins. Moore is a good book to follow but make BDC your primary.. You ll never finish Guyton revision, either make notes or follow Mahapatra. Customize study as per your convinience. But atleast keep in touch with standard books as well. This is my opinion. Choice is yours.
Please suggest the better one:
Which to study between Basis and Basic?
What about Atlas, Biochemistry, Micro and Com.?
ICM-Macleod’s or Hutchinson’s?
Satyanarayan and Lipincotts both are simple. Micro – chakrobarty is good, Park for Com Med. Macleods is best for clinical but you can avoid Hutchinson as it is claimed to be bible.
Study debashish pramanik for physiology it is written in a language like a student has written it…
Suggest me exam oriented books for 2 nd MBBS university exams
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