N. Meningitidis has been divided into atleast 13 serogroups on the basis of specificity of capsular polysaccharide antigens. These are A,B,C,D,X,Y,Z,W 135,29E,H,I,K and L. Serogroups A,B,C,X,Y,W 135 are most commonly associated with meningococcal disease.
Virulence Factors
Adhesion factors : Pili for adhesion to mucosa of oropharynx and meningeal tissue
Capsule : Antiphagocytic
Lipopolysaccharide : Endotoxin
IgA proteases : cleaves IgA protecting organism from effects of secretory IgA
Natural habitat and reservoir : Mucosal surfaces of the human nasopharynx, urogenital tract and anal canal
Nasopharyngeal carriers : approximately 5-10% adults are asymptomatic carriers (may reach 90% in close communities)
Modes of infection: Direct contact or respiratory droplets from the nose and throat of infected people
Pathogenesis (Steps)
Inhalation of contaminated droplets
Adherence of organism to nasopharyngeal mucosa
Local invasion and spread from nasopharynx to meninges through blood stream
In meninges, organsims are internalised into phagocytic cells
They replicate and migrate to subepithelial spaces
Incubation period : 3-4 days
Clinical Features
Febrile illness : Mild and self limiting
Pyogenic meningitis : High fever, stiff neck, Kernig’s sign, severe headache, vomiting, photophobia, chills
Great article, thanks for sharing this. I have subscribed to your RSS feed and am looking forward to reading more from you.
Keep up the good work and don’t stop posting please.
evior Sulav Shrestha
August 15, 2010 at 9:42 am
Thank you guaindra. I’ll surely keep posting.
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Great article, thanks for sharing this. I have subscribed to your RSS feed and am looking forward to reading more from you.
Keep up the good work and don’t stop posting please.
Thank you guaindra. I’ll surely keep posting.
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