Structures derived from 3 Germ layers : Embryology

Development Of Fetal Structures From the Three Germ Layers:
The three germ consiting of Ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm give rise to all the organs and structures in the body. The list of structures developed from 3 primitive germ layers in given below.

Skin Ectoderm-
- Epidermis, hair, nails,
- Cochlear duct, semicircular ducts,
- Enamel of tooth,
- Adenohypophysis,
- Lens of eye,
- Parotid gland,
- Mammary gland,
- Epithelial lining of lower anal canal.
- All neurons within brain and spinal cord
- Retina
- Neurohypophysis
- Astrocytes, Oligodendrocytes
Neural Crest-
- Adrenal medulla
- Ganglia- Sensory , Autonomic
- Pigment cells
- Schwann cells
- Meninges- Pia and arachnoid mater
- Pharyngeal arch cartilage
- Ondontoblasts
- Parafollicular C cells
- Aorticopulmonary septum
- Endocardial cushions
- Muscle ( Smooth, cardiac, skeletal)
- Extraocular muscles ( Preotic somites)
- Muscles of the tongue( occipital somites )
- Connective tissue, dermis of skin
- Bone, cartilage
- Blood and lymph vessels
- Heart
- Adrenal cortex
- Spleen’Kidney’Duramater
- Testes and ovaries
Notocord– Nucleus pulposus
- Epithelial lining of Gastrointestinal tract, Trachea, bronchi, lungs
- Biliary apparatus
- Urinary Bladder, Urethra
- Vagina
- Auditory tube
- Middle ear cavity
- Parenchyma of :- Liver, Pancreas, Submandibular glands, Sublingual gland,Thyroid,Parathyroid
Is there any mnemonic to remember it? The fate of the germinal layers.
How to memorise by all germinal fate
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